Thursday, September 4, 2008


doorway, gate, entrance, opening, access (OED)

Lion's Gate at Mycenae
Rhea's attendants were two lions

threshold, a sense of the liminal

the rite (site) of passage, womb (tomb)
narrow, defined
shield, safety, enclosure

dawn, twilight, solstice, equinox

obscurity, ambiguity, fear


Stephanie Findley said...

This particular portal you have a photo of reminds me of the sphinx gate in "The Neverending Story" by Michael Ende. However, the real portal in this novel is the book that Bastian takes him into Fantasia. If you haven't read this novel you should its amazing!!

lpd said...

Thank you Stephanie! I was not familiar with this wonderful writer -- found a fascinating article about him at Equilibrismus, an equally fascinating website!