Thursday, October 9, 2008

10/08/2008 notes

quiz review on Friday 10/10 -- everyone bring one question!

p. xvii
p. 43

compare Perrault and Grimm endings for Little Red Riding Hood
(Pavarotti, Dickens)

beast groom (King Kong)
search for lost husband
coming of age (Pride & Prejudice, Bride & Prejudice)
marriage as rape | abduction | rescue
patriarchy and property
father | senex
wise man/ wizard
fool/fearsome (Cronus)
"Two stock characters of theater are the senex amans, an old man unsuitably in love with a much younger woman, and the senex iratus, an old man who irrationally opposes the love of the young couple." Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism, p 172 (wiki)

psychic participation
magical listening

Manil Suri: The Age of Shiva

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